Sunday 26 February 2017


Proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantía bancaria, proveedores de servicios bancarios, proveedores de servicios de banca, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias , Los mejores proveedores de bg, los mejores proveedores de sblc, los proveedores genuinos de garantía bancaria

En MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LTD somos 100% diferentes del resto, valoramos su tiempo y llegar directamente al punto. Algunas compañías hablarán su oreja apagado, nosotros prefiere centrarse solamente en resultados. Tenemos una red grande de los mejores bancos primarios AAA que nos da la capacidad única de crear resultados que otros no pueden. Hemos estado en esta industria desde hace 43 años y eso es una clara prueba de que estamos entre las primeras compañías que comenzaron a emitir instrumentos financieros bancarios como BG / SBLC / DLC / L / C's.

Cuando se trata de emisión, leasing, financiación y monetización de cualquier instrumento bancario, llegar a la meta es todo lo que cuenta y eso es lo que sobresalen en MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LTD. Hemos estado cerrando con éxito ofertas por más de 43 años, por lo tanto, podemos hacerlo con éxito para usted.

A continuación se presentan algunas de las cosas que nos hacen únicos y diferentes de otras empresas.

1. Somos una empresa de finanzas genuina que está legalmente registrado en Hong Kong desde abril de 1973, que es de 44 años de servicio exitoso y contar.
2. No somos CORREDORES, somos proveedores directos de préstamos personales, préstamos comerciales, préstamos para pymes, financiadores de proyectos y proveedores de BG, DLC, SBLC.
3. BG / SBLC emitido de los 50 principales bancos mundiales como HSBC, Citi, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank o cualquier banco de primera elección.
4. Emitimos BG / SBLC en monedas de USD o Euro, si usted paga en USD emitimos en USD y si usted paga en Euro, emitimos en euros.
5. Soluciones para cada cliente y cada industria. No importa su nacionalidad o circunstancias, hable con nosotros, le escucharemos.
6. Amamos y respetamos a todos. No discriminamos a nadie basado en la raza, la tribu, la nacionalidad o la religión.
7. Su privacidad es nuestra prioridad, NO compartimos sus datos o transacciones comerciales con terceros.
8. No hay Reclamaciones Legales, Demandas o Condenas Penales contra nosotros en cualquier País hasta la fecha.
9. Nuevos corredores son bienvenidos y ganan entre 1% a 2% Comisión sobre cada acuerdo
10. Desde 1973 hasta la fecha Ningún Cliente ha tenido alguna vez una transacción fallida con nosotros.
Por lo tanto, si está buscando Arrendamiento / Alquiler de Garantías Bancarias, SBLC, DLC, L / C o préstamos y financiación de proyectos entonces usted ha venido al lugar correcto. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy para todas sus necesidades financieras.

AVISO A LOS CLIENTES PRETENDIDOS: Estos postes están para los propósitos educativos y los hago sobre todo para educar a nuestros clientes altamente estimados. Si usted tiene interés en estos puestos o está interesado en hacer negocios con nosotros por favor envíenos un correo electrónico presentándose e indicando en qué área cree que podemos trabajar juntos. Esperamos recibir su correo electrónico pronto.

AVISO A LOS CORREDORES / AGENTES / REPRESENTANTES DE LA EMPRESA: Los corredores son la sangre vital de nuestro negocio y como resultado los respetamos, los valoramos y los apreciamos. Así que los nuevos corredores son bienvenidos, apreciados y compensados ​​con una buena comisión. Éstos son algunos de los muchos beneficios de ser un corredor de MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED:

    Apoyo Profesional Broker
    Comisiones saludables pagadas en cada reparto
    ¡Sea directo al cliente, NO en las cadenas de un corredor!
    Gane entre 1% y 2% Comisión sobre cada acuerdo
    Los corredores están 100% protegidos contra la posible evasión.
    Amplia gama de instrumentos financieros, programas de garantía bancaria y servicios de financiación y monetización de clientes
    Si usted está interesado en convertirse en nuestro agente o representante de la empresa, por favor envíenos su currículum vitae por correo electrónico para obtener más información.

Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Garantía Bancaria, Financiamiento Garantía Bancaria, Garantía Bancaria, Arrendamiento de Garantía Bancaria, Proveedores Bancarios de Instrumentos, Proveedor genuino de garantías bancarias, Descuento de garantía bancaria hsbc
Los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los préstamos de préstamos sin garantía, los préstamos personales, la financiación de proyectos internacionales, el Fondo Mi proyecto, el préstamo de pequeñas empresas, los negocios préstamo

Correo electrónico: |
Teléfono: +852 81 75 35 71
Skype: mingfongfinance

Préstamo de negocios, préstamos personales, préstamos para pymes, préstamos garantizados, préstamos no garantizados, financiación de proyectos internacionales,

Proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantía bancaria, proveedores de servicios bancarios, proveedores de servicios de banca, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias , Los mejores proveedores de bg, los mejores proveedores de sblc, los proveedores genuinos de garantía bancaria

Préstamos para Empresas, Préstamos para PyMES, Préstamos para Inversiones, Financiamiento de Proyectos, Garantías Bancarias, SBLCs, Cartas de Crédito, Monetización de BG / SBLC y financiación para todo tipo de proyectos viables a nivel local e internacional.

Podemos ayudarle a obtener financiación para su negocio o proyectos, activar línea de crédito, emitir y proporcionar cartas de crédito, BG o SBLC para usted, proporcionar préstamos contra instrumentos financieros y monetizar instrumentos financieros.

En todo el mundo, estamos ayudando a nuestros clientes a invertir más, a hacer más, a vender más ya hacer todo con mayor eficiencia. Estamos ayudando a las empresas de una manera que ninguna otra institución financiera o banco puede. Cualquier banco o institución financiera puede ayudarle a financiar. Sólo un constructor puede ayudarlo a crecer. Porque somos MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED, hacemos la diferencia, establecemos el ritmo ...


    Préstamos: (préstamos personales, préstamos comerciales, préstamos garantizados, préstamos no garantizados, financiación de proyectos internacionales, etc.)
    Instrumentos bancarios de compra (garantías bancarias y carta de crédito de reserva)
    Instrumentos Bancarios de Arrendamiento (BG, SBLC, DLC, Cartas de Crédito)
    Cartas de Crédito (DLC, L / C, LC de Utilidad)
    Inversiones y Gestión de Patrimonio
    Servicios de Aseguramiento de Seguros
    PPP y plataformas de negociación
    Prueba de Fondos (POF)
    Finanzas corporativas
    Fondos bloqueados
    Servicios de Escrow
    Private Equity

préstamos comerciales, Los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los préstamos de préstamos sin garantía, los préstamos personales, la financiación de proyectos internacionales, el Fondo Mi proyecto, el préstamo de pequeñas empresas, los negocios préstamo

AVISO A LOS CLIENTES PRETENDIDOS: Estos postes están para los propósitos educativos y los hago sobre todo para educar a nuestros clientes altamente estimados. Si usted tiene interés en estos puestos o está interesado en hacer negocios con nosotros por favor envíenos un correo electrónico presentándose e indicando en qué área cree que podemos trabajar juntos. Esperamos recibir su correo electrónico pronto.

AVISO A LOS CORREDORES / AGENTES / REPRESENTANTES DE LA EMPRESA: Los corredores son la sangre vital de nuestro negocio y como resultado los respetamos, los valoramos y los apreciamos. Así que los nuevos corredores son bienvenidos, apreciados y compensados ​​con una buena comisión. Éstos son algunos de los muchos beneficios de ser un corredor de MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED:

Préstamo de negocios, préstamos personales, préstamos para pymes, préstamos garantizados, préstamos no garantizados, financiación de proyectos internacionales

    Apoyo Profesional Broker
    Comisiones saludables pagadas en cada reparto
    ¡Sea directo al cliente, NO en las cadenas de un corredor!
    Gane entre 1% y 2% Comisión sobre cada acuerdo
    Los corredores están 100% protegidos contra la posible evasión.
    Amplia gama de instrumentos financieros, programas de garantía bancaria y servicios de financiación y monetización de clientes
    Si usted está interesado en convertirse en nuestro agente o representante de la empresa, por favor envíenos su currículum vitae por correo electrónico para obtener más información.

Correo electrónico: |
Teléfono: +852 81 75 35 71
Skype: mingfongfinance

Proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantía bancaria, proveedores de servicios bancarios, proveedores de servicios de banca, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias , Los mejores proveedores de bg, los mejores proveedores de sblc, los proveedores genuinos de garantía bancaria, Los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los préstamos de préstamos sin garantía, los préstamos personales, la financiación de proyectos internacionales, el Fondo Mi proyecto, el préstamo de pequeñas empresas, los negocios préstamo

Proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantía bancaria, proveedores de servicios bancarios, proveedores de servicios de banca, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias , Los mejores proveedores de bg, los mejores proveedores de sblc, los proveedores genuinos de garantía bancaria

Arrendamiento sblc
Préstamos contra garantías bancarias
Arrendamiento proveedores sblc
Proveedor de instrumento bancario
garantía bancaria
Proveedores de garantías bancarias internacionales
Arrendamiento proveedores de garantía bancaria
Garantía bancaria bg
Programa de arrendamiento garantizado
Arrendamiento bg sblc proveedores
Mejores cartas de los proveedores de crédito
Mejores proveedores de bg
Mejores proveedores de sblc
Proveedores genuinos de garantías bancarias

Los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los préstamos de préstamos sin garantía, los préstamos personales, la financiación de proyectos internacionales, el Fondo Mi proyecto, el préstamo de pequeñas empresas, los negocios préstamo,

préstamos comerciales, Los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los préstamos de préstamos sin garantía, los préstamos personales, la financiación de proyectos internacionales, el Fondo Mi proyecto, el préstamo de pequeñas empresas, los negocios préstamo

Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Garantía Bancaria, Financiamiento Garantía Bancaria, Garantía Bancaria, Arrendamiento de Garantía Bancaria, Proveedores Bancarios de Instrumentos, Proveedor genuino de garantías bancarias, Hsbc
Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Garantía Bancaria, Financiamiento Garantía Bancaria, Garantía Bancaria, Arrendamiento de Garantía Bancaria, Proveedores Bancarios de Instrumentos, Proveedor genuino de garantías bancarias, Descuento de garantía bancaria hsbc
Proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantía bancaria, proveedores de servicios bancarios, proveedores de servicios de banca, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias , Los mejores proveedores de bg, los mejores proveedores de sblc, los proveedores genuinos de garantía bancaria

Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Garantía Bancaria, Financiamiento Garantía Bancaria, Garantía Bancaria, Arrendamiento de Garantía Bancaria, Proveedores Bancarios de Instrumentos, Proveedor genuino de garantías bancarias, Hsbc

Proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantía bancaria, proveedores de servicios bancarios, proveedores de servicios de banca, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias , Los mejores proveedores de bg, los mejores proveedores de sblc, los proveedores genuinos de garantía bancaria

Préstamos para Empresas, Préstamos para PyMEs, Préstamos para Inversiones, Financiación de Proyectos, Garantías Bancarias, SBLCs, Cartas de Crédito, Monetización de BG / SBLC y financiación para todo tipo de proyectos viables a nivel local e internacional.

MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED fecha de constitución es 1973-04-03 y está legalmente registrada en Hong Kong como un proveedor de servicios financieros con número de registro de la empresa: 0032811. Todos nuestros instrumentos bancarios vienen de Top Prime AAA clasificado bancos como Citibank Nueva York, HSBC Hong Kong o Londres, Barclays Bank Londres, Standard Chartered Bank Londres / Dubai / Hong Kong, UBS Suiza, Welsfargo, Bank of America, Banco de Deusche etc. Podemos ayudarle a obtener financiamiento para su negocio o proyectos, activar línea de crédito, Emitir y proporcionar cartas de crédito, BG o SBLC para usted, proporcionar préstamos contra instrumentos financieros y monetizar instrumentos financieros.

Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Garantía Bancaria, Financiamiento Garantía Bancaria, Garantía Bancaria, Arrendamiento de Garantía Bancaria, Proveedores Bancarios de Instrumentos, Proveedor genuino de garantías bancarias, Descuento de garantía bancaria hsbc

Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Garantía Bancaria, Financiamiento Garantía Bancaria, Garantía Bancaria, Arrendamiento de Garantía Bancaria, Proveedores Bancarios de Instrumentos, Proveedor genuino de garantías bancarias, Hsbc


    Préstamos: (préstamos personales, préstamos comerciales, préstamos garantizados, préstamos no garantizados, financiación de proyectos internacionales, etc.)
    Instrumentos bancarios de compra (garantías bancarias y carta de crédito de reserva)
    Instrumentos Bancarios de Arrendamiento (BG, SBLC, DLC, Cartas de Crédito)
    Cartas de Crédito (DLC, L / C, LC de Utilidad)
    Inversiones y Gestión de Patrimonio
    Servicios de Aseguramiento de Seguros
    PPP y plataformas de negociación
    Prueba de Fondos (POF)
    Finanzas corporativas
    Fondos bloqueados

préstamos comerciales, Los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los préstamos de préstamos sin garantía, los préstamos personales, la financiación de proyectos internacionales, el Fondo Mi proyecto, el préstamo de pequeñas empresas, los negocios préstamo

Correo electrónico: |
Sitio web:
Teléfono: +852 817 53571
Skype: mingfongfinance

Los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los préstamos de préstamos sin garantía, los préstamos personales, la financiación de proyectos internacionales, el Fondo Mi proyecto, el préstamo de pequeñas empresas, los negocios préstamo,

Proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantía bancaria, proveedores de servicios bancarios, proveedores de servicios de banca, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias, proveedores de garantías bancarias , Los mejores proveedores de bg, los mejores proveedores de sblc, los proveedores genuinos de garantía bancaria

Préstamos para Empresas, Préstamos para PyMEs, Préstamos para Inversiones, Financiación de Proyectos, Garantías Bancarias, SBLCs, Cartas de Crédito, Monetización de BG / SBLC y financiación para todo tipo de proyectos viables a nivel local e internacional.

MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED fecha de constitución es 1973-04-03 y está legalmente registrada en Hong Kong como un proveedor de servicios financieros con número de registro de la empresa: 0032811. Todos nuestros instrumentos bancarios vienen de Top Prime AAA clasificado bancos como Citibank Nueva York, HSBC Hong Kong o Londres, Barclays Bank Londres, Standard Chartered Bank Londres / Dubai / Hong Kong, UBS Suiza, Welsfargo, Bank of America, Banco de Deusche etc. Podemos ayudarle a obtener financiamiento para su negocio o proyectos, activar línea de crédito, Emitir y proporcionar cartas de crédito, BG o SBLC para usted, proporcionar préstamos contra instrumentos financieros y monetizar instrumentos financieros.

Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Financiero SBLC, Garantía Bancaria, Financiamiento Garantía Bancaria, Garantía Bancaria, Arrendamiento de Garantía Bancaria, Proveedores Bancarios de Instrumentos, Proveedor genuino de garantías bancarias, Descuento de garantía bancaria hsbc


    Préstamos: (préstamos personales, préstamos comerciales, préstamos garantizados, préstamos no garantizados, financiación de proyectos internacionales, etc.)
    Instrumentos bancarios de compra (garantías bancarias y carta de crédito de reserva)
    Instrumentos Bancarios de Arrendamiento (BG, SBLC, DLC, Cartas de Crédito)
    Cartas de Crédito (DLC, L / C, LC de Utilidad)
    Inversiones y Gestión de Patrimonio
    Servicios de Aseguramiento de Seguros
    PPP y plataformas de negociación
    Prueba de Fondos (POF)
    Finanzas corporativas
    Fondos bloqueados

préstamos comerciales, Los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los prestamistas de préstamos directos, los préstamos de préstamos sin garantía, los préstamos personales, la financiación de proyectos internacionales, el Fondo Mi proyecto, el préstamo de pequeñas empresas, los negocios préstamo

Correo electrónico: |
Sitio web:
Teléfono: +852 817 53571
Skype: mingfongfinance

Thursday 16 February 2017


lease sblc, top letters of credit providers, lease sblc providers, international bank guarantee providers, top bg providers, lease bank guarantee providers, top sblc providers, guaranteed lease program, lease bg sblc providers, genuine bank guarantee providers
At  MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LTD we are 100% Different from the rest, we value your time and get straight to the point. Some companies will talk your ear off, we prefer to be solely focused on results. We have a large network of top prime AAA rated banks which gives us the unique ability to create outcomes others can’t. We have been in this industry since 43 years ago and that's a clear proof that we are among the first companies that started issuance of bank financial instruments such as BG/SBLC/DLC/L/C's.
When it comes to issuance, leasing, funding and monetization of any bank instrument, getting to the finish line is all that counts and that’s what we excel in at MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LTD. We have been successfully closing deals for over 43 years, therefore, we can successfully do it for you.

Below are a few of the things that make us unique and different from other companies.

1. We Are a Genuine Finance Company That Is Legally Registered in Hong Kong since April, 1973, That is 44 Years of successful service and counting.
2. We are not BROKERS, We Are Direct Providers of Personal Loans, Business Loan, SME Loan, Project Financiers & Providers of BG, DLC, SBLC.
3. BG/SBLC issued from Top 50 World Banks such as HSBC, Citi, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank or any prime bank of choice.
4. We issue BG/SBLC in both USD or Euro Currencies, if you pay in USD we Issue in USD & if you Pay in Euro, we issue in Euro.
5. Solutions for every customer & every industry. No matter your nationality or circumstances, talk to us, we will listen to you.
6. We love and respect everyone. We do not discriminate anyone based on Race, Tribe, Nationality or Religion.
7. Your Privacy is our Priority, we DO NOT share your data or Business Transactions with third parties.
8. No Legal Complaints, Lawsuits or Criminal Convictions against us in any Country till date.
9. New Brokers Are welcomed and earn between 1% to 2% Commission on Every Deal
10. Since 1973 till date No Customer has ever had a failed transaction with us.

Therefore, if you are looking for Lease/Rent Bank Guarantees, SBLC, DLC, L/C or loans and project funding then you have come to the right place. Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.

NOTICE TO INTENDING CUSTOMERS: These posts are for educational purposes and I make them mostly to educate our highly esteemed customers. If you have interest in these posts or interested in doing business with us please send us an email introducing yourself and indicating in which area you think we can work together. We look forward to receiving your email soon. NOTICE TO BROKERS/AGENTS/COMPANY REPS: Brokers are the life blood of our business and as a result we respect them, value them and appreciate them. So new brokers are welcomed, appreciated and compensated with good commission. Here are a few of the many benefits of being a MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED broker:

Ming Fong Finance Company Bank Guarantee, BG, Standby Letter of Credit, SBLC, DLC, Lease BG, Direct SBLC Providers

  • Professional Broker Support
  • Healthy Commissions Paid on every Deal
  • Be Direct to the client, NOT in a Broker Chains!
  • Earn between 1% to 2% Commission on Every Deal
  • Brokers are 100% Protected Against Possible Circumvention.
  • Wide Range of Financial Instruments, Bank Guarantee Programs and Client Funding and Monetization Services
  • If you are interested to become our broker or company representative, kindly send us your resume via email for more information.

Email:  |
Telephone: +852 81 75 35 71
Skype:  mingfongfinance

Lease Fresh Cut BG, DLC and SBLC

lease sblc, top letters of credit providers, lease sblc providers, international bank guarantee providers, top bg providers, lease bank guarantee providers, top sblc providers, guaranteed lease program, lease bg sblc providers, genuine bank guarantee providers
Ming Fong Finance are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC and DLC which are specifically for lease and purchase. Our bank instrument can be engaged in PPP Trading, Discounting, Signature Project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication, Construction of Dams, Bridges, Real Estate and all kind of projects. We do not have any broker chain in our offer neither do we get involved in chauffeur driven offers.
Description of instrument:
1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG)/SBLC
2.Total Face Value: Minimum 1Million EURO/USD- Maximum 50 Billion EURO/USD
3. Issuing Bank: HSBC, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland London or AA rated Bank in Western Europe, Middle East, Asia or America.
4.Term: One Year, One Month
5. Leasing Price: 4% of face value plus 1% Lessor agent [Closed]& 1% Lessee agent (open)
6. Style of speaking: Swift to Swift
7.Payment: Wire Transfer
8.Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days
Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing by providing you with yearly renewable leased bank instruments. We work directly with issuing bank lease providers, this Instrument can be monetized on your behalf for 100% funding.
lease sblc, top letters of credit providers, lease sblc providers, international bank guarantee providers, top bg providers, lease bank guarantee providers, top sblc providers, guaranteed lease program, lease bg sblc providers, genuine bank guarantee providers, top letters of credit providers, top bg providers, top sblc providers, genuine bank guarantee providersNOTICE TO BROKERS/AGENTS/COMPANY REPS: Brokers are the life blood of our business and as a result we respect them, value them and appreciate them. So new brokers are welcomed, appreciated and compensated with good commission.

Email:  |
Telephone: +852 81 75 35 71
Skype:  mingfongfinance


More Information About Letters of Credit and Bank Guarantees

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More Info About Letters of Credit
      The parties to a letter of a credit are as follows:
Issuer – the bank or thrift issuing the letter of credit is the Issuer.
Account Party – the party who obtains the letter of credit from the Issuer is the Account Party. Often, the Account Party arranging for a standby letter of credit delivers cash or other collateral to the Issuer to secure repayment of any draws on the letter of credit.
Beneficiary – the party who holds the standby letter of credit and who is authorized to draw under the letter of credit on the conditions stated in the letter of credit is the Beneficiary. 
A standby letter of credit is issued by the Issuer to the Beneficiary at the request of the Account Party, and requires the Issuer to pay a specified sum to the Beneficiary upon satisfaction of the conditions of drawing specified in the standby letter of credit. The standby letter of credit will specify the maximum amount that may be drawn, the expiration date, the place where drafts must be presented and what certifications or deliveries must be made in connection with the draw request. Virtually all letters of credit utilized in real estate transactions are “sight draft” letters of credit, which means that the Beneficiary can require payment under the letter of credit upon delivery of a simple sight draft, which looks very much like a bank check, together with any other required certifications. 

Letters of credit are governed by Article 5 of the Uniform Commercial Code (the “UCC”), which has been enacted in every state and the District of Columbia. In addition, parties generally agree that the letter of credit will be governed by the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (the “UCP”) or the International Standby Practices 98 (the “ISP”), both of which are promulgated by the International Chamber of Commerce. Standby letters of credit issued by US financial institutions are also subject to regulation by one or more of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of Thrift Supervision, the Federal Reserve Board and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. 

Standby letters of credit are generally issued and held pursuant to a separate contract between the Account Party and the Beneficiary – such as a lease, loan agreement, purchase agreement or public improvement agreement. The “underlying contract” between the Account Party and the Beneficiary is separate and independent of the letter of credit as a legal matter, but it will specify the requirements that the letter of credit must satisfy and when it can be drawn. If these documents are drafted properly, they will generally contain language that requires the Issuer to meet certain specified standards as to its financial strength. 

Following is some typical lease language (although any actual language you use should be crafted to fit the particular case): 
The Letter of Credit shall be issued by a commercial bank acceptable to [Landlord] and (1) that is chartered under the laws of the United States, any State thereof or the District of Columbia, and which is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; (2) whose long-term, unsecured and unsubordinated debt obligations are rated in the highest category by at least two of Fitch Ratings Ltd. (Fitch), Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s) and Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services (S&P) or their respective successors (the Rating Agencies) (which shall mean AAA from Fitch, Aaa from Moody’s and AAA from Standard & Poor’s); and (3) which has a short term deposit rating in the highest category from at least two Rating Agencies (which shall mean F1 from Fitch, P-1 from Moody’s and A-1 from S&P) (collectively, the LC Issuer Requirements). If at any time the LC Issuer Requirements are not met, or if the financial condition of such issuer changes in any other materially adverse way, as determined by [Landlord] in its sole discretion, then [Tenant] shall within [five (5)] days of written notice from [Landlord] deliver to [Landlord] a replacement Letter of Credit which otherwise meets the requirements of this [Lease] and that meets the LC Issuer Requirements (and [Tenant]’s failure to do so shall, notwithstanding anything in this [Lease] to the contrary, constitute an Event of Default for which there shall be no notice or grace or cure periods being applicable thereto other than the aforesaid [five-day] period). Among other things, [Landlord] shall have the right under such circumstances to immediately, and without further notice to [Tenant], present a draw under the letter of credit for payment and to hold the proceeds thereof.

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Following is some typical language for the governing documents (and once again, any actual language you use should be crafted to fit the particular case): 
In the event the issuer of any letter of credit held by [Landlord] is insolvent or is placed into receivership or conservatorship by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or any successor or similar entity, or if a trustee, receiver or liquidator is appointed for the issuer, then, effective as of the date of such occurrence, said Letter of Credit shall be deemed to not meet the requirements of this Section, and then [Tenant] shall within [five (5)] days of written notice from [Landlord] deliver to [Landlord] a replacement Letter of Credit which otherwise meets the requirements of this [Lease] and that meets the LC Issuer Requirements (and [Tenant]’s failure to do so shall, notwithstanding anything in this [Lease] to the contrary, constitute an Event of Default for which there shall be no notice or grace or cure periods being applicable thereto other than the aforesaid [fiveday] period); or, alternatively, [Tenant] shall, within such [five-day] period deliver cash to [Landlord] in the amount required above.

Letters of credit typically follow a fairly pre-determined format. However, the Issuer will often agree to include customized language which might include, among other things, the Beneficiary’s automatic right to draw in the event the letter of credit is due to expire without being renewed or replaced, or if the Issuer’s credit rating drops below a specified level.

It is obvious that a Beneficiary is in a much better position if it draws upon a letter of credit for payment, and retains the proceeds, before the Issuer is subject to a receivership or conservatorship order by FDIC. Failure to do so could render the letter of credit worthless and leave the Beneficiary without a viable course of action to re-establish the deposit or other security. 

While beyond the scope of this article, the type of account in which the proceeds are held, in the case of a tenant security deposit, should be carefully considered in order to minimize potential bankruptcy risks. 

These posts are for informational/educational purposes and I make them mostly to educate our highly esteemed prospective customers. If you have interest in these posts or interested in Letters of Credit for Import, Export or for credit line, Lease Bank Guarantees, Standby Letter of Credit financing, DLC for import/export transactions, Proof of Funds, Personal Loans, Business Loan, SME Loan, International Project Financing, Secured Loans, Unsecured Loans etc please kindly send us an email introducing yourself and indicating in which area you think we can work together.

We look forward to hearing from you soon: 
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Office Phone: +85281753571 | Skype: mingfongfinance | Website: 

What to Do If You Are a LC Beneficiary

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What to Do If You Are a Letter of Credit Beneficiary
First, check all agreements between you and the Account Party to identify the requirements that the standby letter of credit and the Issuer must satisfy.

Second, frequently check all standby letters of credit you may be holding to confirm maturity dates, conditions for draws and, most importantly, the identity of the Issuer. To determine whether the Issuer meets the standards appearing in your agreements with the Account Party, you can easily check the ratings on the rating agencies’ websites, as applicable –;, and If it appears that the Issuer’s rating has fallen below the specified standard, consider advising the party who is required to maintain the letter of credit of such failure in light of its contractual duties. Be sure to follow the document’s notice requirements, and check the default provisions to determine whether the party is entitled to notice and a right to cure. FDIC does not publish its FDIC Watchlist; if you have concerns about any particular institution, please note it is unlikely the FDIC will either confirm or deny that institution’s status.

A notice to a tenant might provide as follows:
Dear Tenant:

In accordance with the requirements of Section __ of the Lease dated ____, by and between ABC, LLC (“Landlord”) and XYZ, Inc. (“Tenant”), ________ Bank, the issuer of the letter of credit required under your Lease, no longer meets the LC Issuer Requirements specified therein. Accordingly, pursuant to the requirements of the Lease, Tenant has [five (5)] days from the date of this letter to deliver a replacement letter of credit from a bank that meets such requirements, failing which, Landlord has the right to present the existing letter of credit for payment and to hold the proceeds pursuant to your Lease.

Very truly yours,


Third, as noted above, many standby letters of credit permit a drawing in full in the event that the Issuer fails to meet the requirements of the underlying contract and no replacement letter of credit has been delivered within a specified time period. When a Beneficiary holds a standby letter of credit with such language, the beneficiary should consider presenting a draw before the Issuer is placed under receivership or conservatorship. Look carefully at notice and cure provisions in the underlying document (such as the lease), and the letter of credit itself, to ensure that no liability will arise from such an action. Under applicable law, the Issuer may have as long as five business days to honor a draft for payment, so quick and decisive action will be imperative.

Fourth, in some instances, letters of credit are held in an escrow arrangement by a title company, bank or other entity. Because you should never assume that the escrow agent will be monitoring the Issuer’s financial condition (even if the escrow holder has agreed to do so), review the applicable terms and conditions to ensure that the appropriate protections are in place. Fifth, to the extent that you are involved in documenting a new transaction, review carefully how the letter of credit provisions in your documents work, and be mindful of the fact that bank ratings can change dramatically in the course of a day. In addition, from a drafting standpoint, counsel will want to ensure that the documents do not grant back-to-back notice and grace periods that could make decisive action impossible. A tenant may be unable, as a practical matter, to replace a repudiated letter of credit if the Issuer is subject to a receivership or conservatorship action and the FDIC does not transfer the Issuer’s obligations to a successor bank.

These posts are for informational/educational purposes and I make them mostly to educate our highly esteemed prospective customers. If you have interest in these posts or interested in Letters of Credit for Import, Export or for credit line, Lease Bank Guarantees, Standby Letter of Credit financing, DLC for import/export transactions, Proof of Funds, Personal Loans, Business Loan, SME Loan, International Project Financing, Secured Loans, Unsecured Loans etc please kindly send us an email introducing yourself and indicating in which area you think we can work together.

We look forward to hearing from you soon:
Emails:  |
Office Phone: +85281753571 | Skype: mingfongfinance | Website: 

Obtain Non Recourse Loans Via BGs, SBLC or MTNs

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Obtain a Non-Recourse Loan for your Project by Monetizing your bank financial instruments.

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Did you know that, by using a properly established Facilities Provider, you can monetize your instruments: Bank Guarantees, Stand-by Letters Of Credit, or Medium Term Notes; by obtaining a Non-Recourse Loan for your projects.  most of these loans are for Humanitarian Projects, but not always.

These type of loans are very convenient, because in some cases, you do not need to pay back,.  Even if you do have to pay it back, it might be at a Zero interest rate.

The mentioned Non-Recourse Loans proceeds range, in most cases, from the low 30% for lower value instruments from banks with lower ratings, to p to 45% for higher value instruments from Top banks, of the LTV of the instruments used as collateral.  in some very rare situations, even a 50% net LTV of the instrument’s face value has been obtained.

A Non-Recourse loan that might not need to be paid back? How is this possible?  It is good that you ask, because in reality there is no “free money”; somehow, someone has to pay the loan back to the bank, because after all it is a loan, not a grant.  In some of these cases, especial arrangements are made for this purpose.  What is important here that you must remember that these loans will not need to be paid back by the owner of the instrument. The instrument’s owner, at the end of the term of the loan, will get back the instrument used as collateral, free of any liens and with no encumbrances of any kind. Some conditions and restrictions might apply, depending on each individual case, you have to check the particular conditions of your loan.

Acceptable instruments to be used for collateral for these types of loans are: Bank Guarantees (BGs) as the most desirable choice, followed by Letters of Guarantee, Stand By Letters of Credit (SBLCs), Medium Term Notes (MTNs), and Treasury Bills from the USA (T-Bills). Face value of instruments to monetize shall be between 10 million and up to 250 million Euros or USD. Instruments will not need to be on any screens (no need to be on Euroclear, DTCC, Bloomberg, etc.), but the lender will need to see a copy of the actual instruments to start negotiations, or even consider giving additional information. The instruments must come from the United Arab Emirates (almost all banks), most banks from The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, most American Banks, Eurozone regulated Banks, or Honk Kong based Banks, and must be able to be renewed for the full term of one year and one month. Delivery method and/or blocking must be by SWIFT MT-760 Messages; no other delivery methods are accepted for any reason. No instruments from Latin America, Asia, India, Greece, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Cyprus or China will be accepted (except Hong Kong banks, which will be accepted on a per deal basis). Several conditions might apply, depending on each individual case.

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For the introduction, and to be able to confirm in full the LTV of your instrument, and for you to get the conditions of the Non-Recourse Loans, it is required a copy of the instrument (the BG, SBLC, or MTN) and passport of the principal.

The Lenders might use several different banks to obtain funding for these loans. Initial payment (ranges from 4% to 8%, depending on the bank’s sole decision, plus 1% for commissions) is usually done by the banks from three to ten days after receiving/blocking the instrument by means of MT-760, and the full funding of the loan and the rest of the commissions are paid by the bank after another 10 business days of executing first payment.   A Paymaster is used for receiving the proceeds of the loan and its disbursement as to avoid delays in receiving the money and to prevent conflicts with unpaid commissions to intermediaries. At the end of the loan, the owner/beneficiary of the instrument gets the instrument back, free of any liens and with no encumbrances of any kind.

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Several conditions and restrictions might apply, depending on each individual case. We reserve the right to change this information at any time. We reserve the right to refuse any request for additional information or to make any business deal or loan with any person or entity for any reason with no further explanation. This is not an offer to deal with securities, and therefore it is not regulated by any laws regarding said securities. We are not a banking institution. We are not a Securities Trader or Brokerage house. This post with information must not be constructed as a solicitation for investment funds or a securities offer. The authors of this post might, or might not be, the lenders, or the administrator of the Facility Provider. This information, the post and any offers it might contain, are void and not applicable where they might be illegal, impossible, forbidden or restricted by law; and if your jurisdiction has especial requirements for this type of operations, you might have to comply with all your local laws as well. You will be responsible for all taxes this type of business might cause you.

While the process of obtaining this type of Non-Recourse Loans is very complicated and lengthy, we can provide you with the necessary help and information to do that, which is an added value; this way you can focus in what really matters, invest your money in the best possible way to fulfill your Project's Objectives.  If you have any more questions, or require additional information, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be more than happy to provide you with any and all information you might require. 

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Ming Fong Finance Company Ltd issues Real Bank Guarantees, real and genuine SBLC's and completes Real Funding without long stories!

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BROKERS: Brokers are the life blood of our business and as a result we respect them, value them and appreciate them. So new brokers are welcomed, appreciated and compensated with good commission. Here are a few of the many benefits of being a MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED broker:

Ming Fong Finance Company Bank Guarantee, BG, Standby Letter of Credit, SBLC, DLC, Lease BG, Direct SBLC Providers

    Professional Broker Support
    Healthy Commissions Paid on every Deal
    Be Direct to the client, NOT in a Broker Chains!
    Earn between 1% to 2% Commission on Every Deal
    Brokers are 100% Protected Against Possible Circumvention.
    Wide Range of Financial Instruments, Bank Guarantee Programs and Client Funding and Monetization Services
    If you are interested to become our broker or company representative, kindly send us your resume via email for more information.

Email:  |
Telephone: +852 81 75 35 71
Skype:  mingfongfinance

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1. We Are a GENUINE Finance COMPANY That Is LEGALLY REGISTERED in Hong Kong since 1973-04-03, THAT IS 43 YEARS AND COUNTING. 
2. BG/SBLC issued from Top 50 World Banks such as HSBC, Citi, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank or any prime bank of choice.
3. We issue BG/SBLC in both USD or Euro Currencies, if you pay in USD we Issue in USD & if you Pay in Euro, we issue in Euro.  4. Your Privacy is our Priority, we DO NOT share your data or Business Transactions with third parties.
5. We are not BROKERS, We Are Direct Providers of Loans, Bank Instruments and Project Financiers.
No Legal Complaints, Lawsuits or Criminal Convictions against us in any Country till date.
7. Since 1973 till date No Customer has ever had a failed transaction with us.
Bank Instruments Delivered via MT760 Swift with Full Bank Responsibility
9. Brokers Always Welcomed & Protected against possible circumvention. 10. Bank Guarantees & SBLC’s in Standard Formats from Major Banks!
MT799 preadvice included in all BG/SBLC transactions.
12. Solutions for every customer & every industry.
13. We are straight to the point

14. No Stupid Bank Rules

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Therefore, if you are looking for Lease/Rent Bank Guarantees, SBLC, DLC, L/C or loans and project funding then you have come to the right place. Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.

NOTICE TO BROKERS/AGENTS/COMPANY REPS: Brokers are the life blood of our business and as a result we respect them, value them and appreciate them. So new brokers are welcomed, appreciated and compensated with good commission. Here are a few of the many benefits of being a MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED broker:

Ming Fong Finance Company Bank Guarantee, BG, Standby Letter of Credit, SBLC, DLC, Lease BG, Direct SBLC Providers

  • Professional Broker Support
  • Healthy Commissions Paid on every Deal
  • Be Direct to the client, NOT in a Broker Chains!
  • Earn between 1% to 2% Commission on Every Deal
  • Brokers are 100% Protected Against Possible Circumvention.
  • Wide Range of Financial Instruments, Bank Guarantee Programs and Client Funding and Monetization Services
  • If you are interested to become our broker or company representative, kindly send us your resume via email for more information.

Email:  |
Telephone: +852 81 75 35 71
Skype:  mingfongfinance

Monday 13 February 2017


lease bg sblc providers, genuine bank guarantee providers, direct loan lenders, Genuine loan company, sme loan firm, loan lenders no credit check, genuine international money lenders, direct loan lenders for bad credit, unsecured loan lenders
At  MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LTD we value your time and get straight to the point. Some companies will talk your ear off, we prefer to be solely focused on results. We have a large network of top prime AAA rated banks which gives us the unique ability to create outcomes others can’t. We have been in this industry since 43 years ago and that's a clear proof that we are among the first companies that started issuance of bank financial instruments such as BG/SBLC/DLC/L/C's.
When it comes to issuance, leasing, funding and monetization of any bank instrument, getting to the finish line is all that counts and that’s what we excel in at MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LTD. We have been successfully closing deals for over 43 years, therefore, we can successfully do it for you.
Below are a few of the things that make us unique and different from other companies.

1. We Are a GENUINE Finance COMPANY That Is LEGALLY REGISTERED in Hong Kong since 1973-04-03, THAT IS 43 YEARS AND COUNTING. 
2. BG/SBLC issued from Top 50 World Banks such as HSBC, Citi, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank or any prime bank of choice.
3. We issue BG/SBLC in both USD or Euro Currencies, if you pay in USD we Issue in USD & if you Pay in Euro, we issue in Euro.  4. Your Privacy is our Priority, we DO NOT share your data or Business Transactions with third parties.
5. We are not BROKERS, We Are Direct Providers of Loans, Bank Instruments and Project Financiers.
No Legal Complaints, Lawsuits or Criminal Convictions against us in any Country till date.
7. Since 1973 till date No Customer has ever had a failed transaction with us.
Bank Instruments Delivered via MT760 Swift with Full Bank Responsibility
9. Brokers Always Welcomed & Protected against possible circumvention. 10. Bank Guarantees & SBLC’s in Standard Formats from Major Banks!
MT799 preadvice included in all BG/SBLC transactions.
12. Solutions for every customer & every industry.
13. We are straight to the point

14. No Stupid Bank Rules
15. No Credit Checks

Therefore, if you are looking for Lease/Rent Bank Guarantees, SBLC, DLC, L/C or loans and project funding then you have come to the right place. Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.

NOTICE TO BROKERS/AGENTS/COMPANY REPS: Brokers are the life blood of our business and as a result we respect them, value them and appreciate them. So new brokers are welcomed, appreciated and compensated with good commission. Here are a few of the many benefits of being a MING FONG FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED broker:

Ming Fong Finance Company Bank Guarantee, BG, Standby Letter of Credit, SBLC, DLC, Lease BG, Direct SBLC Providers

  • Professional Broker Support
  • Healthy Commissions Paid on every Deal
  • Be Direct to the client, NOT in a Broker Chains!
  • Earn between 1% to 2% Commission on Every Deal
  • Brokers are 100% Protected Against Possible Circumvention.
  • Wide Range of Financial Instruments, Bank Guarantee Programs and Client Funding and Monetization Services
  • If you are interested to become our broker or company representative, kindly send us your resume via email for more information.

Email:  |
Telephone: +852 81 75 35 71
Skype:  mingfongfinance