Greetings to you our potential clients, We Are Effective and efficient
PROVIDER of financial instruments such as Fresh Cut Bank Guarantee
(BG), Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), Medium Term Note (MTN), which we
have specifically for "lease/buy".
These Instruments from our
investor can be professionally arranged in your name from major banks
and institutions. Some of the available banks we have includes : HSBC
Bank, Barclays Bank or Deutsche Bank Frankfurt. Our financial instrument
can be invested into High Yield Investment Trading Program {HYITP) or
Private Placement Program (PPP). All bank instruments are for lease
and/or sale from a genuine and reliable source without broker chain /
joker broker story or chauffer driven offer while having your required
time frame in mind.
Just incase you do not know, Please note that
Most banks offer SBLC/BG in US Dollars or Euros! Please take note that
we strongly support the usage of our leased facilities into LARGE
initiating and funding project(s) such as
Construction of Dams
Other Turnkey Project (s) etc.
Bless You,
Email: |
Telephone: +852 81 75 35 71
Skype: mingfongfinance
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